PHONE: +39 351 9834097 Also on WHATSAPP and TELEGRAM with nick @tantradelsole
Erotic massages for women in Milan - Yoni tantra massage Milan, Venice, Salsomaggiore Terme, Tabiano Terme, Fidenza
Every proposed treatment is carried out with the utmost professionalism and seriousness, WITHOUT ANY SEXUAL PURPOSE.
The person who decides to receive one of my treatments does so in full consciousness and awareness.
The sole objective of my treatments is to enhance well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually through massage that leads to a gradual awakening of one's awareness.
P.iva 01255350256
The erotic yoni tantra massage that awakens the senses and amplifies your femininity with maximum sweetness and professionalism...
A journey within yourself to feel like a woman again.
Is it your first time learning about erotic massage for women in Milan?
Do you love erotic massages for women? Have you heard about the tantra massage for women and finally decided to try it?
Do you want to gift the yoni massage to a dear friend?
Do you want to give the tantra massage to your girlfriend, partner, or wife? And maybe watch while she receives it?
Tantric massage courses for couples who wish
to improve understanding and feeling in the love relationship.
Tantra yoni and lingam massage courses
for enthusiasts and holistic massage professionals
who wish to learn
a new wellness massage technique.
the most beautiful
in the world
Welcome to the magical paradise of
Let me introduce myself, I am Raffaele (stage name), Italian, graduated, sober, discreet, sunny, confident, and experienced in my field. I am 39 years old, dark-haired with hazel-green eyes, 1.75m tall with an athletic build.
I have been a professional holistic massage therapist and teacher for over ten years. My skills range from Ayurvedic massages for relaxation, drainage, relaxation, hot stone, facial and foot reflexology, to sensual, erotic, and tantra yoni massages.
I am firmly convinced that the pleasure experienced during a massage,
of any kind, can offer great benefits to the entire psycho-physical system.
An erotic yoni tantra massage relieves emotional stress and relaxes body tensions.
The tantra massage for women in Milan is a tool suitable for all people seeking complete well-being. Without reductions, without exclusions of body parts, without taboos, without preconceptions, and above all without coercion.
The tantra yoni massage for women, at different levels of intensity, softens the tensions and social masks we are forced to wear every day.
It's as if we live with an armor that limits our feeling...ourselves and others. Thanks to the care, kindness, and delicacy of my touch, you will be ready to increase the awareness of every inch of your body.
If you surrender to Listening, you can experience the yoni massage as an explosion of emotions. I, for my part, will be excellent at accommodating your pace and your needs.
In an endless crescendo...relaxation and pleasure fused together, indissolubly...
The warm hands of the tantric masseur make the experience even more pleasant.
It will be natural to melt into a smooth flow of generous sensuality.
You will not perceive the difference between "being put in a position to" experience pleasure and the pleasure itself, as the ascent to the peak will be gradual and inexorable.
What is the peak of the tantra yoni massage if not the moment when you experience firsthand what it means to be pervaded by a thousand currents of fresh and hot electricity?
More than a thousand words, I believe in direct experiences...
If the erotic yoni massage intrigues you, you would like to try it, but you want more clarity, read this article, I wrote it especially for you...
The emotional yoni massage fully blossoms your femininity. It is a type of experience that opens the soul to new levels of pleasure; it is a true panacea for your engaging and intriguing well-being.
DURATION: 60/90/120 min.
The yoni massage performed in the dark or with a blindfold has a profound regenerating and rebalancing effect. Thanks to the extreme amplification of touch, it allows you to experience new and shocking levels of well-being and sensuality.
DURATION: 60/90/120 min.
Pleasant and effective, breast massage improves circulation
The Ayurvedic breast massage received from a professional Ayurvedic practitioner is one of the lesser-known yet most effective treatments dedicated to women.
DURATION: 30-40 min
It is a true non-erotic sensory Ayurvedic massage performed on the entire body, allowing you the freedom to enjoy a decontracting, draining, and relaxing massage that is at times sensually stimulating, with or without the constraint of clothes.
DURATION: 60/90/120 min
The erotic massage for women relieves stress. Times of solitude and quarantine have been difficult, stressful for many women, full of uncertainties. There's nothing better than a good erotic massage...
Read about the most important benefits of erotic massages aimed at women. These are concrete benefits, beyond what one might think. It would certainly be good for you to try one...
Articles and insights on topics related to Ayurvedic massage, the philosophy of tantra, yoga, female erotic massage, yoni massage, female sexuality in general...
The best thing is to get to know each other on the phone and talk about it together. You will have several questions, curiosities, specific needs. I will be able to advise you on the best tantra massage for women to start your journey...
Learn to find and correctly stimulate your pleasure points through the yoni massage by the tantric masseur or your partner, husband, lover...
Do you want to learn how to achieve orgasm with squirting?
Do you want to try experiencing orgasm with female ejaculation for the first time? Alone? With your partner?
The most requested erotic yoni massage in Milan, the most searched, the most viewed on the web...the one that allows you to experience (or make someone experience) the most liberating and overwhelming orgasm ever!
From today, in addition to the erotic tantra massage with squirt, you can also participate in the evening mini-course (Milan location), consisting of multiple individual or couple sessions. The goal is to improve your psycho-physical and spiritual well-being through a healthy approach to intimate life.